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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
♥ 9:04 AM

I want to stop.

But how?

Anyway, EXAMS ARE SO NEAR! I have to study! MUGGING!

Thank you!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
♥ 10:44 AM

THANKS EVERYONE! Thanks for all the presents, smses, greetings from msn, cards. I appreciate it a lot. The candles really look very beautiful. Post the picture up when i get it :D Thanks a lot!

Service was great today. God really spoke to me in specific areas of my life, telling me what to do. Thank you God! To give thanks in all circumstances! hmm..i really want to be able to do that. *Constantly reminding myself* (I really have to grow in this few specific areas in my life and I really want to grow. God, help me help me help me help me help me!)

EAST FAMILY DAY after service. The bus trip there was horrible! I was so giddy all the way, headache, feel like vomitting and worse still, the surroundings were so noisy. HAHA. But the sports after that was so fun! Even though we had to play on wet floor, it was a great time fellowshipping! East rocks! Let's continue to have more fun and see more people joining us!


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Tuesday, August 14, 2007
♥ 8:49 AM

Many things have been going on, sometimes I don't even know what is happening to me. Feelings and thoughts just came crashing in my mind that I can't seem to stop it. Tears just continue to flow even though i tried to stop. How I wish I could just stop thinking.. At times, I even lost track of what's happening. I'm not a person who can express myself clearly because I don't even understand myself and my feelings.

However, I know that God understands me inside out. It just feels so great to be understood. He knows what You are going through and UNDERSTANDS everything. There is no need to explain. aww..so sweet..

(Dearest God, thanks for everything. Help me overcome all these, I want to grow. Guide me along. I will never forget the covenant I made with You on that night. I LOVE YOU! haha :D)

Anyway Jeslin is really an auntie lor! She will stop whenever she saw a sale or free gift, despite whatever the free gift or sale is. auntie right?
She look so dumb in this photo. haha! But cute lar. haha.


No title
Sunday, August 12, 2007
♥ 9:46 AM

Due to the request of JESLIN CHEN XIAO EN, i'm blogging now.


I'm stuck. Don't know what to blog. Shall update more next time :D

(I really don't know what is going on with me, I feel scared. I'm like returning to my old-self. God, help me.)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
♥ 9:52 AM


Exactly 9 more days to MY BIRTHDAY!!
(People, you know what to do:D)

It's tough...
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
♥ 7:44 AM

I don't know how long I can take it before I break down? It's tough, it's really very tough. Do you know that by the thought of what I have gone through and what I will be going through, I feel so tired. Even the thought of it makes me tired, how am I going to go through the rest. It's a looooonnnnnnnggggg fight.

It's not like any major exams (where you know the dateline), I don't know when it will end. I know for sure that the situation will not get better, i tried but...


I'm going to keep fighting! I don't want to give up and i'm not giving up. I know i'm not in control of my life because God is! No matter how tough it will be, i really hope I will keep fighting till the end. Despite all these, I know God is using this time to train me up. And He will always assure me of His presence & support :D God, help me!!

On a lighter note, MY EXAMS ARE REALLY AROUND THE CORNER! argh! The thing is that there are still a lot of stuff that i'm not sure of. HOW?!

Anyway, something from my qt last night. Specially posted for someone. lol
Our parents are given authority over us by God. God specially chose them to have the authority over us. Despite them being unreasonable at times or even (you know ur parents better than me), they still have the authority over you. We have to respect them. If you don't do so, you are going against God's word. Even if they are reqesting something not in line with God's word, reject in a polite way, try your best to not make the situation bad. I've to keep all these in mind! haha.

Sunday, August 5, 2007
♥ 11:07 AM

Have been thinking through the past few days, and the word COURAGE keep coming to me.

I think Christians are really the most courageous people around. To many, Christians are people who don't have problems. Who say so?! The truth is we faced A LOT of problems. In some sense, we are actually being 'force' to face many things in our life. People in the world tends to hide their dark side(characters, problems, feelings. etc), not willing to even face it. But God works in a different way. He 'force' us to face all these. He make us face our problems, not giving us any chances to hide it.

However, He does not stop there. After He force us to face it, He will guide us along, lead us, shower us with care, love and concern. He will assure us of His presence, send people to help us, use His word to assure us. He will do all sorts of things just to help us overcome our problems. Most importantly, He will never give us something we can't take it.

Then you will ask, Why do some fail to do so? Because they choose to give up, they choose not to have faith and believe. God will never never never give you up, don't be silly and choose to give up.

The moment you decide to invite Jesus in your life, you are courageous. Many don't dare to do so, they do not dare to face the changes in their life, they do not dare to accept the fact that they are sinners, they do not dare to face their family, they are afraid of many things.

Therefore, don't you agree that Christians are courageous people? Reason being...

Their courage is found in the Lord!

(There are many more reasons why Christians are courageous!)


My First Post
Saturday, August 4, 2007
♥ 11:06 AM


Finally after so long, i've created my blog. I wanted to create one long ago but due to laziness. haha. Why is it simply geckting? because...



I'll end here, post more next time. Brain dead now:D

& about

Geck Ting
TP biz sch
Philippians 4:13

& loves

Ahbe The Pigcow
Priscilla The Great
East Blog
Denise The Gorgeous
Esther Teo

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& the past

August 2007
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February 2009
March 2009
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May 2009
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July 2009


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